The Significance of Different Colored Diamonds in Jewelry

Diamonds are considered to be a very significant stone in jewelry and accessories and is something the common person thrives to own for its beautiful looks and prestige. Everything from wedding rings to a high quality watch will be studded with these small expensive little gems that bring out the best in them.

Diamonds actually have a large variety of different colors that they come in, this is actually caused by different conditions or elements the diamond has been put under, often by scientists in a lab to get a desirable shape. What many may not know, is that the color of diamond you wear or give someone in a gift is very symbolic, just like in a lot of other stones. Colored diamond jewelry is a great way to say something to someone in a subtle and beautiful way.

What Each Color of Diamond Says About You
Diamonds come in just about any color that you could imagine, and each color has interesting symbolism that is worth knowing before you buy a piece of jewelry. This allows you to add an extra bit of sentiment to your gift that makes the person know you put good thought into it, even as a gift for yourself you will feel better knowing you got something that means something to you. Red and pink are two of the most commonly purchased colors of diamonds.

1. Red diamonds are symbolic of power and luck in the Chinese culture making it popular among executives of companies and people in high positions of power.

2. Pink is so popular because it symbolizes creativity, love or romance making it very popular for wedding rings or anniversary jewelry.

Other colors represent a wide variety of things.

3. Orange symbolizing enthusiasm

4. Yellow symbolizing joy

5. Green with wealth and nature.

6. Blue holding spiritual and peaceful properties.

7. Black either being negative or to do with sophistication.

8. Purple also being spiritual or a royal noble color

9. Brown or tan colored which resonates with nature and harmony with all.

Colored diamond jewelry can say so many different things so putting lots of thought into it before a purchase will help you say exactly what you are trying to say with your diamond.

When you wear or gift someone jewelry you are saying a lot with that piece. Do research and find out which color of diamond resonates best with who you are as a person. If you are looking to find high quality colored diamond jewelry online? Check out our Symphony collection – A beautiful range of colored diamonds jewelry.